Databases and Python

6.2. Databases and Python#

SQLAlchemy is a Python library that helps you work with databases. It allows you to submit SQL queries to a database using Python.

SQLAlchemy can interact with many different types of databases, such as:

  • SQLite

  • MySQL

  • PostgreSQL

SQLAlchemy makes it easy to work with any of these databases using the same Python code. You don’t need to learn different ways to connect or run queries for each database; SQLAlchemy takes care of that for you.

6.2.1. SQLAlchemy#

Here’s how to connect to an SQLite database and run a basic query using SQLAlchemy

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text

# Connect to the database
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///movies.db')
connection = engine.connect()

# SQL query to select all movies
query = text("SELECT * FROM movies")

# Execute query and fetch results
result = connection.execute(query).fetchall()

# Print the result
for row in result:

Code breakdown:

  • Engine: create_engine('sqlite:///movies.db') connects to the SQLite database file named movies.db.

  • Connection: We create a Connection, which represents the connection to the database.

  • Using text: We write a SQL query as a string using text("SELECT * FROM movies").

  • Executing and fetching results: session.execute(query) runs the query, and fetchall() retrieves all rows.